Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Representations: Literary Texts: 20th Century:

Representations: Literary Texts:

G e n e r a l   I n f o r m a t i o n

»Chang-rae Lee (born July 29, 1965) is a Korean-American novelist and a professor of creative writing at Stanford University. He was previously Professor of Creative Writing at Princeton and director of Princeton's Program in Creative Writing.« -- More information: Wikipedia

A Gesture Life (Novel)

I n f o r m a t i o n

»A Gesture Life is a 1999 novel written by Chang-Rae Lee which takes the form of a narrative of an elderly medical-supply salesman named Doc Hata, who deals with everyday life in a small town in the United States called Bedley Run, and who remembers treating Korean comfort women for the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II. He once owned a medical and surgical supply store and he has an adopted daughter named Sunny. All the problems which Doc Hata has to deal with stem from his experiences serving the Japanese Imperial Army in the World War II.« -- More information: Wikipedia

G e n e r a l   K e y w o r d s

Chronological Index: Modern History: 20th Century | Geographical Index: American History: U.S. History; Asia History: Korea History, Japanese History | Topical Index: Types: Purposes: "Comfort Women" System; Wartime Sexual Violence: Asia-Pacific War

B i b l i o g r a p h y

I. Author Index

[Info] Chung, Nancy. Comfort Woman Narratives in Korean American Literature: Understanding the Korean American Identity through Han and the China Doll Stereotype. Honors Thesis, Emory University, 2016.

[Info] Field, Robin E. Writing the Victim: Rescripting Rape in Contemporary American Fiction since 1970. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Virginia, 2006.

[Info] Gieni, Justine. Gender Dis-Ease: Representations of Masculine Hysteria in Narratives of Sexual Trauma. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Saskatchewan, 2012.

[Info] Kim, Mijeong. »Possibilities for Recovery and Healing in the Diasporic Novels Chang-rae Lee's A Gesture Life and Nora Okja Keller's Comfort Woman.« The Journal of Modern British & American Language & Literature 42 (2023): 91-118.

[Info] Miyata, Masumi. »The Representation of the Blackness/Darkness in Chang-rae Lee’s A Gesture Life.« 都留文科大学大学院紀要 No. 23 (2019): 43-53.

[Info] Nagy, Judit. »Representation of Comfort Women in Chang-rae Lee’s A Gesture Life and Christina Park’s The Homes We Build on AshesHome and Homeland in Asian Diaspora Edited by K. Pyun et al. Cham 2024: 51-64.

II. Speaker Index
